If I don't feel like being petted or having my tail pulled, (really my tail pulled, like I ever want my tail pulled, hello is anybody even paying attention to this tiny human) I just find a corner and curl up where nobody can find me.
It must really suck being the mommy of all these humans, as soon as they wake up their first words are where's mommy, they come down the stairs where's mommy, they come in the front door where's mommy. She can't even use the litter box without somebody calling out for mommy.
The human they should be looking for is the littlest human living here, she's always getting into some sort of trouble, like pulling my tail or trying to ride me like I'm a horse, seriously is no one ever watching this tiny human.
I always know something good is going to happen when I hear where is Alyssa, that would be the tiny humans name. That question is usually followed with somebody yelling oh my God, what are you doing, or why Alyssa!
Something must be seriously wrong with that tiny human. I mean we are the same age yet you never see me painting on my face or on the walls or on the floor.
Yeah it's pretty good being a cat, welcome to my not so purr-fect life!